December 26 - Celebration Mass for the 350th Anniversary
of the Diocese of Prato at the Cathedral of 'Santo Stefano' in Prato (Italy)

December 25 - Christmas Mass
at the Abbey of 'Chiaravalle della Colomba', Alseno (Italy)

December 24 - Christmas Eve's Midnight Mass
sung by Beppe Cantarelli
and by the 'Corale E. Muzio' conducted by M° Valentino Colombari
at the 'Santa Maria degli Angeli' in Busseto (Italy)

December 11 - "Suonare Sognare IV (To Perform & To Dream #IV),"
a singinging & composing competition for Groups under 25;
President of the Jury will be Beppe Cantarelli,
at the 'Palazzetto dello Sport Don Bosco,' in Fidenza (Italy).

December 10 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
with the partecipation of Millennium Choir's Little Angels Department,
'Beata Vergine Del Santo Rosario' Sanctury ,
Fontanellato (Italy) REVIEWS

December 7 - "Mentre Il Silenzio / While the Silent" Concert
Beppe Cantarelli & The Millennium Choir in concert
with the partecipation of Sara Ruoti,
Victoria Dolceamore & Patrizio Borlenghi
'Cattedrale di S.Stefano', Prato (Italy) REVIEWS  PHOTOSPhoto

December 5 - Mass at the 'S.Mario' Church,
sung by Beppe Cantarelli
with the partecipation of celloist Irina Martinova,
Vigolzone (Italy)

November 28 - Mass at the 'Ognissanti di Don Orione' Church
sang by Beppe Cantarelli
and the Millennium Choir's Little Angels Department, Rome (Italy)

November 27 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
with the partecipation of the Millennium Choir's Little Angels Department,
"Ognissanti di Don Orione" Church, Rome (Italy)  PHOTOSphotos

November 21 - Mass at the 'S.Antonino' Church,
Borgo Val Di Taro (Italy)

November 21 - Mass at the 'S.S. Gervasio e Protasio' Church,
Zibello (Italy)

November 21 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Degli Angeli' Chuch,
Busseto (Italy)

November 13 - "Jungle e Maree" Concert,
with Roberto Taufic and Jorge Bosso.
Beppe Cantarelli's special guests,
'Santa Maria Maggiore' Church, Borgo Vecchio di Avigliana (Italy)

November 7 - "Jungle e Maree" Concert,
with Roberto Taufic and Jorge Bosso.
Beppe Cantarelli's special guests,
'VII Stagione Concertistica D'Autunno'
Sala Conceria, Chieri (Italy)

October 22 - Mini Recital by Beppe Cantarelli
for the 75th Anniversary of the church,
Good Shepard Catholic Church, Beverly Hills (California)

October 13 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
with the partecipation of the Millennium Choir
Christ The King Catholic Church, Hollywood (California)

October 10 - Masses at the Christ Catholic The King Church, Hollywood (California)

October 9 - Mass at the Christ Catholic The King Church, Hollywood (California)

September 26 - Mass at the Saint Peter Church, Los Angeles (California)

September 26 - Celebration Mass for the Closing of the San Gennaro Feast,
Christ The King Catholic Church, Hollywood (California)

September 19 - Celebration Mass for the Opening of the San Gennaro Feast,
Christ The King Catholic Church, Hollywood (California)

September 12 - Mass at the Christ Catholic The King Church, Hollywood (California)

August 29 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Immacolata' Church, Pessola (Italy)

August 27 - Mass on the 'Monte Maggiorasca' with pilgrimage,
S.Stefano D'Aveto (Italy) PHOTOSphotos

August 22 - Mass at the 'S.Giovanni Evangelista' Church,
Carmiano di Vigolzone (Italy)

August 21 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
with the partecipation of The Millennium Choir's Little Angels Department
'Madonna Del Guadalupe' Sanctuary,
S.Stefano D'Aveto (Italy)  PHOTOSphotos

August 16 - Mass at the 'S.Rocco' Church, Ponte Dell'Olio (Italy)

August 15 - Mass at the 'Beata Vergine del Santo Rosario' Sanctuary, Fontanellato (Italy)

August 8 - Mass at the 'Beata Vergine del Santo Rosario' Sanctuary, Fontanellato (Italy)

August 8 - Mass at the 'S.Michele' Church,
mass sang by Beppe Cantarelli and the Shalom Choir, Fidenza (Italy)

July 25 - Concert "Fammi Cantare Con Gli Angeli/Let Me Sing With The Angels"
Beppe Cantarelli, The Millennium Choir, Strings Orchestra & Guests,
'S.Giovanni Battista' Church in Vigolo Marchese di Castell'Arquato (Italy)  REVIEWS

July 18 - Mass at the 'S.Margherita' Church,
mass sang by Beppe Cantarelli and the Shalom Choir,
S.Margherita-Fidenza (Italy) REVIEWS

July 17 - Interview & Recital "Busseto In The World,"
for the European Comunity & the Verdian Cities with Special Guests,
'Salone Barezzi,' Busseto (Italy)

July 15 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
with the Millennium Choir's Little Angels Department,
'S.Maria degli Angeli' Church, Busseto (Italy)

July 11 - Mass at the 'S.S. Gervasio e Protasio' Church, Zibello (Italy)

July 4 - Mass at the Christ The King Catholic Church, Hollywood (California)

June 29 - "Recital of Meditation & Prayer,"
Villa Saint Joseph, Sisters Of Immaculate Heart Of Mary, Los Angeles (California)

June 27 - Mass at the Christ The King Catholic Church, Hollywood (California)

June 25 - Recital - Private party for the film "Sky Captain,"
Capitol Records Studios, Hollywood (California)

June 13 - Mass at the 'S.Giacomo Maggiore' Church, Ponte Dell'Olio (Italy) REVIEWS

June 13 - Mass at the 'Chiaravalle della Colomba' Abbay, Alseno (Italy)

June 13 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Degli Angeli' Church, Busseto (Italy)

May 31 - Concert "Fammi Cantare Con Gli Angeli/Let Me Sing With The Angels,"
Beppe Cantarelli, The Millennium Choir, Strings Orchestra & Guests,
'San Giacomo Maggiore' Church,
Ponte dell'Olio (Italy)  REVIEWS PHOTOSphotos CD

May 30 - Mass at 'Chiaravalle della Colomba' Abbay, Alseno (Italy)

May 29 - "The Magnificat Recital - Serenata alla Madonna,"
'Beata Vergine del Santo Rosario' Sanctuary, Fontanellato (Italy)

May 28 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
'S.Paolo' Church, Fidenza (Italy)

May 23 - Mass at 'S.Pietro al Po' Church, Cremona (Italy)

May 22 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
'S.Lucia' Sanctuary, Cremona (Italy) REVIEWS

May 16 - Mass at 'Chiaravalle della Colomba' Abbay, Alseno (Italy)

May 15 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
'S.S. Gervasio e Protasio' Church, Zibello (Italy) REVIEWS

May 9 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Degli Angeli' Church, Busseto (Italy)

May 2 - Mass at the 'S.S. Pietro e Paolo' Church, S.Polo D'Enza (Italy)

April 25 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Della Steccata' Sanctuary, Parma (Italy)

April 18 - Mass at the 'S.Giovanni' Church, Salsomaggiore Terme (Italy)

April 11 - Mass at the 'S.Maria Degli Angeli' Church, Busseto (Italy)

April 9 - Mass at the 'S.Pietro Al Po' Church, Cremona (Italy)

April 9 - Mass at the 'S.S. Gervasio e Protasio' Church, Zibello (Italy)

April 8 - Mass at the 'S.S. Gervasio e Protasio' Church, Zibello (Italy)

April 8 - Mass at the 'S.Pietro Al Po' Church, Cremona (Italy)

April 4 - Mass at the 'S.Lorenzo' Church, Portovenere (Italy)

January 11 - Mass at the 'S.Maria del Rosario' Church, Parma (Italy)

January 6 - Mass at the 'S.Giacomo Maggiore' Church, Ponte dell'Olio (Italy)   VIDEOvideo

January 4 - Mass at the 'S.Benedetto Abate' Church, Trigolo (Italy)  REVIEWS

January 1 - "The Magnificat Recital,"
'S.Maria Del Fonte' Sanctuary, Caravaggio (Italy)

January 1 - Mass at the 'S.Paolo' Church, Fidenza (Italy)